Tuesday, 25 March 2014

SKHM Reiki

Image from the book "All Love" by  Diane Ruth Shewmaker, Patrick Scott Zeigler
Image from the book "All Love"
by Diane Ruth Shewmaker, Patrick Scott Zeigler

What is SKHM (Seichem) Reiki?

Reiki is a secular enlightenment and healing system. It allows you to heal yourself and others by the laying of hands and distance healing. Reiki was originally created by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1900's. Read about the history of Reiki here.

The symbol for Reiki pronounciated 'Ray-Key' is made up of two separate kanji called Rei (Universal) and Ki (Energy/Spirit/Life Force).  The combined kanji also stand for enlightenment.

SKHM/Seichem/Sekhem (Pronounciated Say-chem) is the Egyptian equivalent of the Indian word Prana and the the far eastern word Ki. It represents the living light energy and ancient Egyptian system of healing wisdom.

SKHM and Reiki are two stand alone healing systems and the combined system referred to as  SKHM Reiki was developed by Patrick Ziegler, by adding SKHM symbols and procedures to the original Reiki system.

There are many good resources about Reiki and SKHM online if you want a more indepth understanding of the system and the variations within.

Om Namasté