Come Home

Sometimes we need to be reminded that everything is fine as it is – other times we just need to be told life is as it is – in both cases life is – and it is fine.  If we can not see it, it is not because it is not so,  it is just because we are not seeing.

Hopefully these pages will help remind you where your center is, and what is important. Hopefully these pages will add something to your day to leave you feeling ok with what ever is happening right now. Hopefully these pages will give you some food for thought. But even if they do not – that is OK too.

Everything is the only way it can be right this moment. And in accepting that I can not control your experience, I accept that what ever your experience is right this moment -  is perfect.
Stop, take a deep breath and release. This moment is perfect, and what ever is in this moment was always meant for this moment. This moment will lead to the next and that moment is also perfect.

If this moment is one of pain, know that the next moment may be the moment where the pain has subsided. And if it has not, relief of pain was not meant for that moment – and it is OK also.

If you can not accept that this moment is perfect, then let it be that which you experience this moment to be. Even that is OK. The only reality there is,  is the one that is here, right now.  You can fight it or accept it. But ultimately only one of those options will lead to peace of mind in this moment.

No matter what you feel, think or believe – you are perfect and so is this moment.

Om Namasté