Tuesday, 25 March 2014

About the Distance Healing Session

SKHM Reiki
Healing works by the practitioner laying hands just above or on the fully clothed person. (Who is either seated or in a laying down position).

By using the different symbols, hand positions and the energy which the practitioner is attuned to,  the universal energy is transferred to the patient. The practitioner then use hand positions to direct the energy around the patients body.  Some people report seeing symbols, feeling alternating warmth and cold and sometimes vibration entering their body whereas others report feeling nothing at all.

The most important take home is that SKHM Reiki works by giving your body the energy it needs to heal itself. Your body takes from the session what it needs and works with that energy well after your session is complete.

As a practitioner I may also experience symbols, and sensations in my hands and body. For me personally the sensations  indicate where a problem area is, an energy stagnation (inflammation) or energy drain (blockage) is and thus where to or in which direction to focus the direction of the energy flow and sometimes also what symbols to employ.

A distance healing session works quite similarly but different symbols are used to transgress space and time to heal the person where ever they are. My system of distance healing uses the symbols together with meditation and intuitive practice to perform the same one hour healing session and hand positions but in my minds eye so to speak. Some may do this differently.

During a distance healing session I may experience the same kind of sensations as during an in person session.

It is recommended that you on the day of your distance healing take time out for about an hour to meditate or simply just relax  with a book, if you can in your favorite location so as to facilitate receiving the energies. We can either book a time or we can do this asynchronously.

The distance healing works such that it is not dependent on time and space but is delivered to you at a time on that day when you are ready to receive.

 Om Namasté