Monday, 7 April 2014

Three cards for the week ahead (w/e 13 April 2014)

This week the cards indicate success in project matters, be it at home, in love or in business. Your hard work is finally beginning to pay off as projects come to completion. But there is still some work to be done. Be mindful of old outdated ideas that might still hold you back from being successful, because there is nothing real standing in the way of reaching your goals. Only your own limiting thoughts. By the end of this week you will be able to reap what you have sown, and spend the weekend just enjoying home, love and/or family.

~♥~ Abundance ~♥~

Monday, 31 March 2014

Three cards for the week ahead

Wonderful week for love ahead it seems. Whether we are with someone or with ourselves, the heavy energies that have been surrounding relationships clear up and we are finally able to see clearly. Trust your inner guidance to light the way ahead, trust that the universe is pulling out the stops to make for a clear passage into the months of abundance (see one card reading for month of April).

Be positive and expect a wonderful week ahead. Make the most out of this lucky time, perhaps time to buy that lottery ticket? Abundance is coming in now full force.

~♥~ Enjoy ~♥~

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

April 2014 Forecast

Ten of Earth - April 2014
"I manifest abundance by focusing on bringing what I need to the present."

Just wonderful.  April not only brings in the spirit and warmth of spring in real, but expect abundance and joy in our family/love relations also. This coming month let go of all that is old and broken to make room for new life and abundance. April energy is always invigorating and new as it is not only the home of the first of the zodiac signs Aries, but also when spring starts in real in the northern hemisphere. Trees begin to shoot leaves, the first spring flowers give way for more permanent growth and the migrating birds return from the southern hemisphere to build new nests.

Our card suggests that much of the same is true for our family and love lives this month. Expect old  love to return or to grow stronger, or perhaps new love starts to plant its seeds. Expect slow projects to take a turn for the better as productivity and results are very much in focus. Anything you have been planning the past few months is now ready to take to the next level of realization. April takes no prisoners as she runs free waking every creature up to creativity and action. If you are still holding on to broken dreams and negativity, now is the time to let go so that you can use all the new found energies to make concrete the dreams of your hearts desire.

April meditation
Breathe in sunshine yellow abundance, pull it in through every pore in your body. Hold and feel the sunshine waking up the cells in your body ready for regeneration and healing.
Breathe out joy and love.

~♥~ Abundance ~♥~

Behold The Angel Tarot Has Arrived! (Practise Clients Needed)

I'm so exited to receive a new Tarot deck to the family. It is the Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine "Angel Tarot". I've really been looking forward to this deck. I just had a good feeling when I found out about it and now that it is with me I know why. It is has a wonderful energy to it, as soon as I opened the box to look through the cards i knew. This deck is something special. It just seem to resonate with me in that special kind of way.

It contains 78 cards split into a major arcana and then the four elements earth, air, fire and water. The images are wonderfully detailed and each card is lined with silver all around (I nearly forgot to do a sensory description of the cards, being an intuitive myself I often miss out on those details for all the intuitive impressions) . It is going to take some time familiarizing myself with the images on each card but I have to say I already resonate with them and feel their messages are open and clear channel to me. I think that is the most important thing about any Tarot deck. If the imagery does not resonate then it can be hard to interpret the more subtle meanings. I find the Traditional Rider Wait and my IBIS Tarot to be very harsh and almost over bearing so I find the finer details get lost sometimes. I did seek out the IBIS Deck or perhaps it sought me out not sure, and there is really a time and place for the heavier and darker realities. Still this deck of cards just feel like we belong together.

This deck is giving me a butterfly giggly kind of feeling inside letting me know this may be the start of something new and positive. Doreen Virtue really outdid herself with this deck. But I guess the best is yet to come, the proof in the pudding so to speak. I can't wait to do my first real reading with these cards. If you would like to be a practice client while I familiarize myself with the deck  please feel free to contact me using the contact form to the right of this content. I think I will charge a small fee something like $5-$10 for a 3 card distance reading with e-mailed details. Does that sound about right? Please contact me with your question and or open reading request and I will get started right away.

~♥~ Abundance ~♥~

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Three cards for the week ahead

As a first blog post entry I thought it would be appropriate to draw a card from each one of three Magical Mermaids and Dolphins, The OSHO Zen and the IBIS Tarot decks, to see what the focus of this week might be.

Immediately on drawing the first card "Consult an Expert" from my Mermaids and Dolphins Deck  I thought Oh boy here we go. I have drawn this card many times and every time it has a slightly different energy feel to it. Today it felt like a warning to stay still and observe. To let go of all ideas of  knowing and come open and willing to listen to the words of someone with more experience. Be willing to take advice without resistance, let go of the ego tendency to always 'know better' because the advice we are given is very much going to save us some trouble later on. I also feel that this card very much represents the public sphere also. Maybe some minor law being passed this week that could have profound implications on our day to day? Or perhaps political changes  starting to happen this week, that may warrant some seeking expert advice. If you are dealing with legal matters this week be extra careful to read the small print or better yet, have someone with a better understanding of law read and confirm it for you before you sign on the dotted line.

The second card for this week is the "Participation" card from the OSHO Zen deck. I feel a focus on the active participation as opposed to  just being present. Pay special attention to your own  presence in projects, decisions and changes that affect you. It's an urge to not just be present but be an active participant in projects and ventures that include other people because if you do not I feel as if you are either going to be passed over when an imporant decision is made, excluded entirely from a group or project. I also see this card as a general urge to participate rather than avoid this week. If you are invited to something and you don't know whether you 'feel' like going or not. Heed the card and participate for a pleasant surprise. In relation to the over all week i feel this card confirms that there is something happening in the public arena an event of sorts that requires that you pay attention and is actively participating in keeping up to date with what is going on.

The third and final card is the "Master of Swords" from the IBIS deck of Tarot. Master of swords sort of sealed the deal for this week as it points towards some legal battle or a general discord perhaps a  court hearing or again a law being passed. Perhaps it is someone in a position of power that will present an obstacle for the general population. I felt that this card wanted to lean into the other two as if to say it is very much related to the need for expert advice and active participation. So on a personal level I feel I will very much pay attention to any papers I sign or any legal or business dealings in general. Perhaps the Master of Swords will be on your side in which case, if you have a strong authoritative figure in your life, this is the person that will have some advice for you at this point in time. Seek him out to gain some clarity. Even if you normally would avoid going to this person for help.

In summary then this weeks cards focus on paying attention to detail and being very much present and active participants in all aspects of our lives. It urges us to seek advice rather than try to solve problems on our, those relating to legalities. If you like me avoid public media in general this week may be a good week to actually pay attention to what is in the news. I know I will.

~♥~ Abundance and Love ~♥~

About the Distance Healing Session

SKHM Reiki
Healing works by the practitioner laying hands just above or on the fully clothed person. (Who is either seated or in a laying down position).

By using the different symbols, hand positions and the energy which the practitioner is attuned to,  the universal energy is transferred to the patient. The practitioner then use hand positions to direct the energy around the patients body.  Some people report seeing symbols, feeling alternating warmth and cold and sometimes vibration entering their body whereas others report feeling nothing at all.

The most important take home is that SKHM Reiki works by giving your body the energy it needs to heal itself. Your body takes from the session what it needs and works with that energy well after your session is complete.

As a practitioner I may also experience symbols, and sensations in my hands and body. For me personally the sensations  indicate where a problem area is, an energy stagnation (inflammation) or energy drain (blockage) is and thus where to or in which direction to focus the direction of the energy flow and sometimes also what symbols to employ.

A distance healing session works quite similarly but different symbols are used to transgress space and time to heal the person where ever they are. My system of distance healing uses the symbols together with meditation and intuitive practice to perform the same one hour healing session and hand positions but in my minds eye so to speak. Some may do this differently.

During a distance healing session I may experience the same kind of sensations as during an in person session.

It is recommended that you on the day of your distance healing take time out for about an hour to meditate or simply just relax  with a book, if you can in your favorite location so as to facilitate receiving the energies. We can either book a time or we can do this asynchronously.

The distance healing works such that it is not dependent on time and space but is delivered to you at a time on that day when you are ready to receive.

 Om Namasté 

Inspirational Guidance Reading

What is the Inspirational Guidance Reading?

In my inspirational Guidance Reading sessions I use a combination of divination, cards and intuitive meditation to receive inspired messages for you.  Depending on what these messages are we will either explore the concepts within the message or simply carry on with a traditional card reading with the aim to inspire and guide you in your future choices.
I don't like to limit what these sessions have to offer too much by saying this or that will happen, but rather allow what is in that moment to take shape. I truly believe that is how we best serve and are served, with an open mind and readiness to accept the moment.

Based on previous experience these kinds of thing generally tend to leave you with some food for thought and tool to deal with what ever is on you particular plate at this time.  The goal is to find ways to healing both the body, mind and the soul/spirit.

I use the following cards in my readings including selected crystals:

Each of the decks have their own story. Each with its own energy. In your reading you can chose a deck or let me chose for you. All is open to the moment.

IBIS TarotThe IBIS Tarot is my latest addition to the family. I picked this deck up on a visit to New Orleans. As with all my cards and crystals I intuitively pick up a deck when i feel it calling me. This deck was very special in that i entered the store not knowing what I was looking for, and did not immediately see this deck on the display. But I just felt like I wasn't to leave until I found it. So with the elp of the store keep I spent about 1/2 hour looking through most of his collection of Tarot. I was just about to give up when, there is was. Hiding behind another deck in the smaller of his two windowed front desk displays. I knew it was the one as soon as I saw it. This I feel is my to the point deck. it will not hold back on the good, the bad and the ugly. So be prepared to receive upfront answers.

OSHO Zen Tarot
The OSHO Zen Tarot deck is very dear to me. It was brought to my attention by a very special person in my life, who gave me a one card reading one day out of the blue. I immediately feel in love with the imagery and the energy of this deck and to my great surprise I found it at a Alternative Health fare right here in my otherwise not so diverse city. I had to have it. It has been with me for the past couple of years and I always turn to this deck when asking about matters of the mind and spiritual development. I from time to time draw a card to mediate on for the period. It is always very revealing. Growth is inevitable when dealing with this deck. So if your question is with regards to your own or someones states of mind or advice on how to proceed in matters of business or general interaction, this card is an excellent choice.
Magical Mermaids & DolphinsThis is my absolute favourite deck (for now) when it comes to receiving inspiration and light at th end of a dark period. This deck has nothing but positive energy and encouraging messages. As such this deck unlike the other two are best used for shorter, inspired readings or intuitive divination or when we feel we are stuck or drained of energy and inspiration. Because of its very gentle nature it is not as on point as the other two, however I feel very intuned with this deck, which has also been with me for the past 8 years or so. It was however lost to me for a period, together with my Native American Quester Deck (which is still mia together my original Rider Wait deck) somewhere in transit from one of my many moves. 
But I wholeheartedly recommend this deck for a light and positive and inspiring reading and for those who are more sensitive like myself.

Spiritual Intuitive Counseling

What can I expect from a Spiritual Intuitive Counseling Session?

In my spiritual counseling session I work with you to discuss any experiences you may need help digesting. Be it spiritual or emotional .  We talk about different practices like  protection and cleansing in relation to your issues. I will give you some tools to take away in your own personal development.

Spiritual practice and development is so much more than simple becoming or being psychic it deals with the psyche over all and as such I invite even the spiritual skeptic to a session with the aim to discuss the psyche and ways to deal with disappointment, emotional overload, frustrations in your day-to-day.

Although I am not in service to any one particular Spiritual group, I draw very much from the Shamanic and Ancient  practices when it comes to viewing the body and mind as as well as Buddhism and Zen practices for how to still the mind.

I balance and center very much in the idea that all is one collective, and love is a fundamental source of creation/being. As I have studied sciences academically as well as the psychic and healing arts both on my travels and in class I feel my basis for understanding is well rounded and non exclusive. All beliefs and practices that works, work.

In our session I draw from my experience working both with very tangible and real emotional and physical trauma as well as emotional/spiritual ones. This session I hope for you is both a way to get things off your chest in a non judgmental environment as well as take with you some food for thought and tools to help you move past any blockages you may have, to open your being up to the full experience and flow of life.


SKHM Reiki

Image from the book "All Love" by  Diane Ruth Shewmaker, Patrick Scott Zeigler
Image from the book "All Love"
by Diane Ruth Shewmaker, Patrick Scott Zeigler

What is SKHM (Seichem) Reiki?

Reiki is a secular enlightenment and healing system. It allows you to heal yourself and others by the laying of hands and distance healing. Reiki was originally created by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1900's. Read about the history of Reiki here.

The symbol for Reiki pronounciated 'Ray-Key' is made up of two separate kanji called Rei (Universal) and Ki (Energy/Spirit/Life Force).  The combined kanji also stand for enlightenment.

SKHM/Seichem/Sekhem (Pronounciated Say-chem) is the Egyptian equivalent of the Indian word Prana and the the far eastern word Ki. It represents the living light energy and ancient Egyptian system of healing wisdom.

SKHM and Reiki are two stand alone healing systems and the combined system referred to as  SKHM Reiki was developed by Patrick Ziegler, by adding SKHM symbols and procedures to the original Reiki system.

There are many good resources about Reiki and SKHM online if you want a more indepth understanding of the system and the variations within.

Om Namasté